Behind Blue Velvet
John Ashcroft orders semi-nude Spirit of Justice statue hidden behind a blue velvet curtain
(Sung to the tune of "Blue Velvet" by Bobby Vinton)

(instrumental intro)
Behind blue velvet...
I want that statue out of sight.
Hide her bare bosom from the light.
Sin devours.

Behind blue velvet...
Behind blue velvet, shield your eyes.
I've had my say, realize
I've got powers.

No, I don't take this lightly.
Sin we must capture, so
We can blame liberals, rightly.
Morals bereft; so go and throw on blue... velvet...

Cover her chest, so you can't see.
Though she's a statue, don't tell me,
"Hey! Who cares?"
Hope no one can see through velvet...
So, who dares?!

How many 
boobs are there
really in this picture?

The real news story from the N.Y. Daily News: "No Nudes Is Good News"

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Copyright © 2002 by W. Tong

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