If You Call Me A Bonehead, I'll Fight
(Sung to the tune of ""Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight" by James Taylor)
By Alvin Dover & W. Tong

(As Sung By pResident Bush:)

(instrumental intro)

You weren't wrong, you were right.
Told you lies - my oversight.
I didn't try to stop those terrorists' flights.
If you call me a bonehead, I'll fight.

Ask me why - say, "Did I know?"
I'm used to sayin' "Me, too," just when Dick says so.
Condi said, "Heed me, I'll say 'Go' "
If you call me a bonehead, I'll fight.

Got away with my agenda.
My party can do as we please.
People disbelieving civil rights we can freeze.
I've thus decided to keep you all divided,
While spurning the world with my crown...

You weren't wrong, you were right.
So I just told you lies - my oversight.
I didn't try to stop those 9/11 terrorists' flights.
If you call me a bonehead, I'll fight.
Oh, yeah...

If you call me a bonehead, I'll fight.
If you call me a bonehead, I'll fight.
If you call me a bonehead, I'll fight.

(instrumental ending)

More song parodies by Alvin Dover
More George W. Bush song parodies from The Dubya Song Book!

Copyright © 2002 by Alvin Dover & W. Tong
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