I Believe Bush Is High
(Sung to the tune of "I Believe I Can Fly" by R. Kelly)
Guest song parody by Aaron Jacobson
(instrumental intro)

(Sung by residents of Texas:)
We used to think we didn't have to pay.
But we're three million dollars short today.
We let Bush make the taxes much too low.
We don't know where the economy will go.
If Bush just sees crack, then he smokes crack.
If Bush just smokes crack, then he gets high on crack.
I believe Bush is high!
He thinks that we should vote by butterfly.
He thinks about it every night and day,
He makes it so the rich don't have to pay.
I don't believe Bush beat Gore.
I can't believe they call our losing sore.
I believe Bush is high.
I believe Bush is high, I believe Bush is high.
(Sung by college students at Yale, Bush's alma mater:)
We used to think we had to get good grades.
Or else we'd all end up with jobs as maids.
But now we know what matters is your name.
You don't have to be smart to get some fame.
If Bush just sees crack, then he smokes crack.
If Bush just smokes crack, then he gets high on crack
I believe Bush is high!
He's sending arsenic levels to the sky.
He thinks about it every night and day,
He thinks that armed civilians are okay.
I don't believe Bush beat Gore,
Short just one Democratic elector.
I believe Bush is high.
I believe Bush is high, I believe Bush is high.

More George W. Bush song parodies from The Dubya Song Book!

Copyright © 2001 by Aaron Jacobson
Do you like to write political song parodies? Get some writing tips here, or e-mail your song(s) to me

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