Can't Take More Lies, W.
(Sung to the tune of "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" by Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons)
By Alvin Dover & Bill Tong

(instrumental intro)

You're just no good, and it's true.
Can't take more lies, W.
You dunce, you're so out of touch.
You're on vacation too much.
Middle East crises arise.
While you hid, they grew in size.
You're just no good, and it's true.
Can't take more lies, W.

War fever craze - you don't care.
For Big Oil, you've done your share.
You have no interest in peace.
Middle East violence won't cease.
Long as Big Oil gets it deal,
Your "war on terra" gets your zeal.
You're just no good, and it's true.
Can't take more lies, W.

(instrumental break)

You oaf, Bush Baby,
Can't understand the sight of war, Bush Baby,
With Ariel Sharon you fight.
You're pleading, "Withdraw without delay!"

Hey, dumb Bush Baby,
Crisis won't go away.
You dumb Bush Baby,
You don't know what to say.
That's why we loathe... Bush... Baby...
We loathe W.

You're just no good, and it's true.
Can't take more lies, W.
You dunce, you're so out of touch.
You're on vacation too much.
Middle East crises arise.
While you hid, they grew in size.
You're just no good, and it's true.
Can't take more lies, W.

(instrumental break)

You oaf, Bush Baby,
Can't understand the sight of war, Bush Baby,
With Ariel Sharon you fight.
You're pleading, "Withdraw without delay!"

Hey, dumb Bush Baby,
Crisis won't go away.
You dumb Bush Baby,
You don't know what to say.
That's why we loathe... Bush... Baby...
We loathe W.

(repeat chorus and fade)

More song parodies by Alvin Dover
More George W. Bush song parodies from The Dubya Song Book!

Copyright © 2002 by Alvin Dover & Bill Tong
Do you like to write political song parodies? Get some writing tips here, or e-mail your song(s) to me

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