Cheney, They All Want You
Dick Cheney's been literally sued left (ACLU) and right (Judicial Watch) for shady business deals
(Sung to the tune of "Baby, I'm-A Want You" by Bread)
By Alvin Dover & W. Tong

(instrumental intro)

Cheney, they all want you.
Cheney, they have sued you.
No, you can't continue stonewalling;
They'll wear you out.
Cheney, don't be crazy.
Come out of your hole - please tell us...

'Bout meetings held with Enron.
Books at Halliburton.
You are hiding all these secrets through executive power.
Cheney, you're a-prayin'
That you won't someday be stayin' in a penitentiary.

Soon they will tear down your big stone wall of secrecy.
Lawsuit pressure piles because the public needs to see...

(instrumental break)

Cheney, you're a-prayin'
That you won't someday be stayin' in a penitentiary.

Soon they will tear down your big stone wall of secrecy.
Lawsuit pressure piles because the public needs to see...

Cheney, they all want you.
Cheney, they have sued you.

You've been crooks so long, you and Bush Baby....

Cheney, they all want you.
Cheney, they have sued you.

(instrumental fade)

More song parodies by Alvin Dover
More George W. Bush song parodies from The Dubya Song Book!

Copyright © 2002 by Alvin DoverW. Tong
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