Satire about the rash of big-time accounting scandals and their ties to the Bush Administration
(Sung to the tune of "Personality" by Lloyd Price)

(instrumental intro)
Over and over,
He's lied, so we boo that W.
Over and over,
What more can he screw?
Over and over,
People say he's a fool.
Soon to be over,
We'll end this fool's big coup.

There's Enron's... criminality.
Lay's... criminality.
Harken's... criminality.
Shrub's... criminality.
Halliburton's... criminality.
Cheney's... criminality.

Even worse, Dick's got
A real bad heart.
So over and over...
We will boo that W.
Soon to be over,
We'll end this fool's big coup.

Over and over,
We've said we loathe W.
Over and over,
Money must hide the truth.
Over and over,
We still say Shrub's a fool.
Soon to be over,
We'll end this fool's big coup.

There's Enron's... criminality.
Lay's... criminality.
Harken's... criminality.
Shrub's... criminality.
Halliburton's... criminality.
Cheney's... criminality.

Even worse, Dick's got
A real bad heart.
So over and over...
We will boo that W.
Soon to be over,
We'll end this fool's big coup.

(instrumental ending)

More George W. Bush song parodies from the Dubya Song Book Page!
Copyright © 2002 by W. Tong

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