Folly of the Fools
(Sung to the tune of "Valley of the Dolls" by Dionne Warwick)
By Alvin Dover & W. Tong

As sung by the Unelected Fraud, Dubya Bush:

(instrumental intro)

All bets are off, just forget scandals and stock market slide.
With no regret, Dick and I wag the dog - our dirt we'll hide.
People don't know - they ask why we have robbed this country blind.
Attack Iraq, that's for sure, for reasons which I'll deny.

This is our scheme to use war to just rape
Iraq and bleed it dry - just bleed it dry.
This is our dream: rule by fear, we'll watch you
'Cause our hacks now all spy - yes, they all spy.

All bets are off, just forget evidence of crimes you've found.
All bets are off, just forget years of war is where we're bound.
You will forget our big lie; there's no cost to be our lambs.
No one will know how we lie, covering up all of those scams.

Where's our spin team?  Lead the cheers for our coup.
Congress just won't say no - they won't say no.
All systems go... fly!

More song parodies by Alvin Dover
More George W. Bush song parodies from The Dubya Song Book!

Copyright © 2002 by Alvin Dover & W. Tong
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