You'll Hear Bush Lie
(Sung to the tune of "As Tears Go By" by The Rolling Stones)

(instrumental intro)

Shrub cannot lead the U.S.A.
This twit's debauched, like Kenneth Lay.
Out of place as he can be... Presidency.
Just sit and watch - you'll hear Bush lie.

His riches bought him everything.
Supreme Court cronies crowned him king.
Policies so unsound.
Enron's fallen to the ground.
Just sit and watch - you'll hear Bush lie.

(instrumental break)

Shrub cannot lead the U.S.A.
This twit's debauched, like Kenneth Lay.
Doing things they love to do;
His right wing crew.
Just sit and watch - you'll hear Bush lie.
Just sit and watch - you'll hear Bush lie...

(instrumental fade)

More George W. Bush song parodies from the Dubya Song Book Page!
Copyright © 2002 by W. Tong

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