Ken Lay is crooked - money, he took it.
CEO's crooked; fleeced his company.
Hey, Bush Baby... don't you think maybe
EnronGate just might end your monarchy?
Lay was a hot shot lord over Capitol Hill.
It made no sense not to be Bush's shill.
And so he'd shop; paid the access fee.
And Lay was gonna have fun, then lost his company.
Ken Lay is crooked - money, he took it.
CEO's crooked; fleeced his company. |
They ought to throw Lay the book for his offense.
Lay made millions; workers got cents.
In jail's where he should spend his old age.
Ex-workers curse his name, and they shake with rage.
Ken Lay is crooked - money, he took it.
CEO's crooked; fleeced his company.