Not Sorry I Lied
(Sung to the tune of "I'm Sorry" by John Denver)
By Darrell Decker & W. Tong

(instrumental intro)

It's cold here now in D.C. -
At least it seems that way,
And I've been thinking what I am gonna say.
Thinking about lost good times;
Thinking about the strain.
Thinking about how bad it feels, I'm wrong again.

Not sorry for the way things are in Basra.
Not sorry that there's no democracy.
Saddam's been put on the shelf;
I called for war myself.
Can't find WMD's!

My friends all ask this question:
Have I now lost my mind?
I expect to be impeached almost any time.
Now they all know I'm lying;
Knee-deep Neo-Right.
They all know I'm trying to just save my hide.

Not sorry for all the lies I told you.
Not sorry for Iraqis I must slay.
Saddam's been put on the shelf;
I called for war myself.
Made Saddam leave; he had to pay.

(vocal ad lib - instrumental break)

Not sorry I took Iraq for granted
Not sorry for no brains behind this coup.
Saddam's been put on the shelf;
I called for war myself.
Free oil for my crew!

(vocal ad lib - instrumental ending)

More song parodies by Darrell Decker
More from the Dubya Song Book

Copyright © 2003 by  Darrell Decker & W. Tong
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