Bush, the Real Nowhere Man
(Sung to the tune of "Nowhere Man" by The Beatles)

Bush, the real Nowhere Man
Never been to foreign lands
Foreign leaders diss him - he knows nobody

Doesn't know his point of view
His world knowledge will not do
Isn't he dumber than you and me?

Nowhere Man, please listen
'Cause your brain is missin'
Nowhere Man, we don't want the world at your command

Claims he's kind as he can be
Yet he executes with glee
Nowhere Man, can't you see that you'll fall?

Nowhere Man won't worry
Look for crime?  Don't hurry
Believe it all, then fend for yourself
If Shrub rules the land
Ooh, la, la, la, la

Bush, the real Nowhere Man
Never been to foreign lands
Foreign leaders diss him - he knows nobody
Foreign leaders diss him - he knows nobody
Foreign leaders diss him - he knows nobody

More George W. Bush song parodies from the Dubya Song Book Page!

Copyright © 2000 by W. Tong

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