One is lowliest number my detractors use.
Two's not as bad as one.
Not as lowly a number as the number one.
Voting's the gladdest experience my boo birds know.
Yes, it's the gladdest experience my boo birds know.
'Cause one is the lowliest number my detractors use.
One is the lowliest number - they don't like my views.
They'd like to negative-vote, and make me go away.
So they'll spend their time... voting down my songs today.
One is the lowliest number, one is the lowliest number,
One is the lowliest number my detractors use.
They'd like to negative-vote, and make me go away.
One is the lowliest (number)
One is the lowliest (number)
One is the lowliest number my detractors use.
One is the lowliest (number)
One is the lowliest (number)
One is the lowliest number my detractors use.
One...! (one is the lowliest number my detractors
One is the lowliest number my detractors use.
One is the lowliest number my detractors use.
Song Parodies
Copyright ©
2002 by W. Tong
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