Republican Taliban
[The airlines have long resisted federalizing airport security - partly due to support from right wing Republicans ideologically opposed to the idea, even after 9-11, such as Tom Delay and Dick Armey]
(Sung to the tune of "We're An American Band" by Grand Funk Railroad)

(instrumental intro)

DeLay and Armey are in a rage.
Their right wing pettiness put them on the stage.
They hate unions, that's a fact.
"No feds at the airports!" is how they react.

The Far Right... made Bush the King.
Crackpot extremists who make your ears ring.
Back to the 80's - it's Bush Lite.
As long as Shrub can fake it, who controls the Right?

Republican Taliban!
Republican Taliban!
The House's right wing clowns
Once shut the government down.
Republican Taliban!

Delay and Armey both ought to know.
Attacks on our land; a true horror show.
But they're no good; the looney Right put up a fight.
To give no directive on airport oversight.
Are they big babies?  Is this their plan?
Here's how we should treat such noise from their brand...
Tell them: "You're all kooks!  You should get lost!"
Go help defeat them, and help oust Bush the Clown.

Republican Taliban!
Republican Taliban!
The House's right wing clowns
Once shut the government down.
Republican Taliban!

Republican Taliban!
Republican Taliban!
The House's right wing clowns
Once shut the government down.
Republican Taliban!

Republican Taliban!
Republican Taliban!
The House's right wing clowns
Once shut the government down.
Republican Taliban!

(lead guitar solo)

Republican Taliban!
Republican Taliban!
The House's right wing clowns
Once shut the government down.
Republican Taliban!

Republican Taliban!  Kooks!
Republican Taliban!  Kooks!
Republican Taliban!   Kooks!

(instrumental ending)

Alternate versions of this parody:
American Taliban (about Falwell & Robertson)
I'm An American Fraud (about Dubya) by Skisics Surus
Another satirical song parody about this issue:  Privatized Security
More song parodies from the Sting The Right Wing Song Book Page!

Copyright © 2001 by W. Tong

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