He's Poppy's Son, serving as the Right Wing's pet.
They're no damn good: greedy, rotten schemes? You
Many crimes done by cronies; some were caught.
Proof that access can be bought.
Talked, but Bush won't walk the walk.
Rove always said: that hard answers just took too long.
The trick, he said, was never admit that you're wrong.
It's damned unfair; there is no risk to Bush the Fake.
There is no loss that makes him ache
There is no bluff he couldn't make.
Bush is still to blame
For past misdeeds from yesterday (still to blame,
still to blame)
Harken oiled his name.
Alll soft landings; got his way.
Press helped hide the harm,
Long enought to get him by (still to blame, still
to blame)
He's still to blame.
His shills deny...
'Cause he could, Bush let cronies get their way.
We got burned; they walked away.
Now we're not allowed to say
Bush, your still to blame...
Somethings never change (Shrub's to blame... everything
on Bush, we blame...)
He's still to blame (Shrub's to blame... everything
on Bush, we blame...)
(repeat last line and fade)