It's Time For My Nap
(Sung to the tune of "A Day In The Life" by The Beatles)
By Alvin Dover & W. Tong

(As sung By pResident Bush:)

(instrumental intro)

It's one o'clock again - oh boy!
Little hand's on one - the big hand's on twelve.
You know what I say to myself?
More time to rest my head;
Comfy on Lincoln's bed.

It's one o'clock - time for my nap.
Hey, read the sign, says "Please do not disturb!"
I hope I don't have a nightmare.
It's time for counting sheep.
An afternoon nap's the cure
For problems left unsolved - I'll sleep.

I could be dreaming now, oh boy!
Was lying down - hey, can you hear me snore?
Can't seem to hear what people say.
The press called me a crook.
Others call me shnook.
Don't ask about Enron.

Woke up - fell out of bed.
Rattled marbles in my head.
I bumped into chairs, booze in my cup.
I dropped my cup, because of muscle aches.
I'm not an oaf, 'cause I'm not fat.
Slept twelve hours, like a cat.
I hate foreign affairs, and that's no joke.
Don't want to choke, 'cause I'd really rather dream...

It's one o'clock again - oh boy!
I'm Prince of Sleep, I am a connoisseur.
Went to a school and played T-ball.
I did  no work at all.
Gonna see more schools,
Then it's off to Crawford before fall.
Don't ask about Enron.

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More George W. Bush song parodies from The Dubya Song Book!

Copyright © 2002 by Alvin Dover & W. Tong
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