We Won't Go Away, Duh-Ba-You
(Sung to the tune "I Won't Last A Day Without You" by The Carpenters)
By Alvin Dover & Wm. K. Tong

(instrumental intro)

Day after day, we will "grace" Bush with song parodies.
So, sing-a-long... sing all year long!
We'll let him know we oppose his right wing junta,
Who just doesn't care
About being fair.

They have stolen the gold from our rainbow.
Rammed through all right wing dreams through their coup.
We won't take all the badness of Bush's relatives.
And we won't go away, Duh-Ba-You...

(instrumental break)

So many crimes they've committed,
But the press is such a friendly face.
They keep their place.
His handlers know they must be there if Shrub needs to do
Much more than smile.
No brains, no style.

They have stolen the gold from our rainbow.
Rammed through all right wing dreams through their coup.
We won't take all the badness of Bush's relatives.
And we won't go away, Duh-Ba-You...

Bushies hate to hear us singing.
Flustered, they give up and disappear.
The Bushies love the Shrub we're stinging.
Boot Newt is the place you can hear
How we jeer the Shrub...

Big Oil friends have all gotten what Bush promised them.
They are his kind.
Just keep in mind:
That Duh-Ba-You, Ari Fleischer, Karl Rove, and Cheney all infest
The White House nest!

They have stolen the gold from our rainbow.
Rammed through all right wing dreams through their coup.
We won't take all the badness of Bush's relatives.
And we won't go away, Duh-Ba-You...

They have stolen the gold from our rainbow.
Rammed through all right wing dreams through their coup.
We won't take all the badness of Bush's relatives.
And we won't go away, Duh-Ba-You...

And we won't go away... Duh-Ba-You...
(Won't go away, Duh-Ba-You... Duh-Ba-You)

More song parodies by Alvin Dover
More George W. Bush song parodies from The Dubya Song Book!

Copyright © 2001 by Alvin Dover & W. Tong
Do you like to write political song parodies? Get some writing tips here, or e-mail your song(s) to me

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