I’ve got a little black book with my choices in
Got Dick Cheney lookin’ for my running mate
When he makes his mind up, he’ll let me know who to choose.
Dads got his friends keeping the cash rolling
Got to keep those cash cows
Got to get the convention charade in high gear
Cheney says he sees the light
And he’s got second sight
And amazing powers of observation.
And that’s how he knows
When I try to get through
On the telephone to him
He says he’s the best man for the job
We’ll show the obligatory minority face
And the inevitable non-white face
All on the stage to show that we really care
I’ve got Dick showing me the how things work
I’ve got my silver spoon connections
I’ve got a grand plan to prop up my rhetoric
I’ve got wild staring eyes
When I’m on the stage, urge to lie
But soon someone will call me
Ooooh, Dick when you pick my brain
(sound clip from "The Gomer Pyle Show")
Surprise, surprise, surprise...
There's still nobody home.
I've got a new business suit
and I’m fading fast.
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