There are sharp pains when Bush is talking
A distant blip, smoke pores from his ears.
Bush’s lies coming through in waves.
His lips move, the press can't hear what he’s saying.
He is like a child, he has no clue
His head is empty just like a balloon.
Now we've got that feeling once again
He can't explain, he does not understand
He’s as dense as some wood.
Bush has become comfortably dumb.
Just a little lip synch. ping
There'll be no more aaaaaaaaah!
The press may feel a little sick.
Can they stand up?
They do believe it's working, good.
That'll keep Bush going through the show
Come on it's time to go.
There are sharp pains when Bush is talking
A distant blip, smoke pores from his ears.
Bush‘s lies coming through in waves.
His lips move but we can't hear what he’s saying.
When he was on stage
We caught a fleeting glimpse
Of what he has in store for us.
We turned to the press, they are gone
We cannot trust the information now
These lies are grown,
Their dream is done.
Bush has become comfortably dumb.
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