I just want that Chief Justice Chair.
I can't get it with Gore in there.
So Bush must win, that's fair!
Ah, won't the Court be loverly?
Lots of votes on the tally sheet.
Now comes Gore making lots of heat.
But we'll fix that, we'll cheat!
Ah, won't the court be loverly?
He'll...send... us lots of right wing judges who will
make... us...proud.
I... won't... have to argue with...this li - ber - al,
lefty crowd.
Some say our reputation's hurt.
Ruth and Souter can go eat dirt!
Bush takes good care of me.
Ah, won't... the...court...be loverly! Liberal?
No! Loverly!
Five-to-four? Nevermore!
(instrumental break)
I just want that Chief Justice Chair.
I can't get it with Gore in there.
So Bush must win, that's fair!
Ah, won't the Court be loverly?
Lots of votes on the tally sheet.
Now comes Gore making lots of heat.
But we'll fix that, we'll cheat!
Ah, won't the court be loverly?
He'll...send... us lots of right wing judges who will
make... us...proud.
I... won't... have to argue with...this li - ber - al,
lefty crowd.
Some say our reputation's hurt.
Ruth and Souter can go eat dirt!
Bush takes good care of me.
Ah, won't... the...court...be loverly! Liberal?
No! Loverly!
Five-to-four? Nevermore!
(instrumental ending)
Copyright © 2001 by Lydia Theys
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