Dirty Politics
(Sung to the tune of "Dirty Laundry" by Don Henley)
Guest song parody by Darrow666

(As sung by Rush Limbaugh:)

I make my living trashing liberal views,
Just give me something, it doesn't have to be true
People love it when I spew,
They love dirty politics.

Well, I could have been an anchor,
But I wound up here.
I don't have to look good,
I just have to spread fear.
Come and help me slash and smear,
We need dirty politics.

Kick 'em when they're in,
Kick 'em when they're out.
Kick 'em when they're out.
Kick 'em when they're out.
Kick 'em when they win,
Kick 'em all about.

We got the brain-dead ditto-monkeys,
Falling for our ruse,
They can trash the constitution,
On the evening news.
Republicans can't stand to lose,
We need dirty politics.

Can we stop the hand count?
Will that get Smirk in?
You know we got James Baker,
He's the master of spin.
We'll do what it takes to win,
We use dirty politics.

You don't really need to find out
How far we've gone,
You don't want to know that
Al Gore really won.
Just throw another stone,
Keep up the dirty politics.

Kick 'em when they're in,
Kick 'em when they're out.
Kick 'em when they're out.
Kick 'em when they're out.
Kick 'em when they win,
Kick 'em all about.

Dirty rotten scoundrels,
Dirty rotten pricks,
We got our grubby little fingers
On everybody's dicks,
Then we shout out "dirty tricks"!
We love dirty politics.

We can play intimidation,
We can scream and yell.
We can storm a canvass board
And tell them to go to hell.
We know that mob rule will sell,
We use dirty politics.

Kick 'em when they're in,
Kick 'em when they're out.
Kick 'em when they're out.
Kick 'em when they're out.
Kick 'em when they win,
Kick 'em all about.

More Flush Rush Song Parodies!

Copyright © 2000 by Darrow666.  Visit the author's web site: Accidental President
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