(Sung to the tune of "Layla" by Derek & The Dominos)
Guest song parody by Debbie

(instrumental intro)

Our pResident is totally looney.
How many people are going to die?
You've been scheming and lying much too long.
Oil isn't more important than life.
Dubya, why won't you hear our pleas?
Dubya, we're protesting for peace.
Dubya, warmongering won't ease our worried minds.
I tried to give you consideration,
When the Twin Towers had fallen down.
Like a fool, I tried to trust in you.
Now you've got the whole world upside down.
Dubya, why won't you hear our pleas?
Dubya, we're protesting for peace.
Dubya, warmongering won't ease our worried minds.
Take a good look at the situation,
And quit obsessing about Hussein.
Please don't say peace'll never be the way.
And make the whole world go insane.
Dubya, why won't you hear our pleas?
Dubya, we're protesting for peace.
Dubya, warmongering won't ease our worried minds.

Dubya, why won't you hear our pleas?
Dubya, we're protesting for peace.
Dubya, warmongering won't ease our worried minds.

(long instrumental solo and ending)

Here is a Kenneth Lay version of this parody: Lay's Fault
More song parodies by Debbie
More George W. Bush song parodies from The Dubya Song Book!

Copyright © 2003 by Debbie
Do you like to write political song parodies? Get some writing tips here, or e-mail your song(s) to me

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