Dubya says on the TV, "They have weapons of death."
"Excitable boy," we all said.
And Bush spins a tale and he beats his chest
"Excitable boy," we all said.
Well, Shrub's just an excitable boy.
He took his lies to the UN and then barked.
"Excitable boy," they all said.
Dubya wants to keep the country in the dark.
"Excitable boy," we all said.
Well, Shrub's just an excitable boy.
He says old Saddam wants the "nucular" bomb
"Excitable boy," U.N. said
And he'll invade and kill 'em, destroy all their homes.
"Excitable boy," U.N. said
Well, he's just an excitable boy
After ten long years we'll need to bring the troops home
Excitable boy, they all said
And we'll take all their oil and hope they leave us alone
Excitable boy, they all said
Well, he's just an excitable boy
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