Expel Falwell
(Sung to the tune "Michelle" by The Beatles)
By Alvin Dover & Bill Tong

(instrumental intro)

Expel Falwell!
Poorly chosen words will catch him hell.
Expel Falwell!

Expel Falwell!
*Ses mots indiquent un imbécile.
Un imbécile.

You're really a religious crazy!
By all the words you say
Still trying to find a way
To take over the right wing so
That you'll run this land.

Falwell, you smell!
*Ses mots indiquent un imbécile.
Un imbécile.

No moolah!... no argent!... no money!
I need to make you see
From me, you won't get a penny!
Don't beg on TV tryin' to pay for
Your right wing dream.

We loathe you... (guitar solo)

You're lying, annoying, and boring!
People see through you now
You're the Christian Taliban
So go away, we're telling you
You won't run this land

Expel Falwell!
*Ses mots indiquent un imbécile.
Un imbécile.

So we will say the only words we know
That you'll understand:
Go to hell!

* "Ses mots indiquent un imbécile" in French is pronounced "Say-mo an-dee-kawnt un am-bay-seal,"
meaning "His words indicate an imbecile." - English-to-French translation provided by Babelfish

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Copyright © 2001 by Alvin Dover
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