Falwell, To Hell
(Sung to the tune of "Michelle" by The Beatles)
By Darrell Decker & Bill Tong

(instrumental intro)

Falwell, to hell!
You and right wing ayatollahs smell!
So go to hell!

Falwell, to hell!
Snake oil scams to sheep you try to sell.
So go to hell!

You're stupid, you're stupid, you're stupid,
You're gonna rue the way
The bigots you would sway.
You say your stupids words so you can inflame this land.

No money, no money, no money
For your theocracy.
In a democracy,
You cannot do what you want us to.
No funds for your scheme.

Falwell, to hell!
Snake oil scams to sheep you try to sell.
So go to hell!

We loathe you... (guitar solo)

You're foolish, you're foolish, you're foolish!
We'll stop you - this we vow.
We're gonna stop you somehow,
One day you'll rue what you are due
When you leave this land.

Falwell, to hell!
You and right wing ayatollahs smell!
So go to hell!

We will say the only words we know
To your right wing brand...
Go to hell!

(instrumental ending)

More song parodies by Darrell Decker
More parodies from the Dubya Bush Song Book

Copyright © 2001 by  Darrell Decker & Bill Tong
Do you like to write political song parodies? Get some writing tips here, or e-mail your song(s) to me

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