(Sung to the tune "Angie" by The Rolling Stones)
The Pretender hides out at his Crawford ranch (which he bought only 2 years ago)
Guest song parody by Alvin Dover,

(instrumental intro)

Georgy!... Georgy!...
When can we expect you to appear?
Georgy!... Georgy!...
Where will you lead us from here?

Do you hate it at the White House?
Why are you always at your ranch?
You can't say we're satisfied
Georgy!... Georgy!...
You've made mistakes and you have lied

Georgy!... you're always shilling
When can we expect you to appear?
Georgy!... no one loves you!
Remember those chads in Florida?

All the dreams we held so close
Seemed to all go up in smoke
Screwed by right wing Supreme Court!
Georgy!... Georgy!...
Where will you lead us from here?

(instrumental break)

Oh Georgy... don't you weep
You can always trust your Veep
And we hate to see your smirking lips
Georgy... Georgy...
When can we expect you to appear?

(instrumental break)

Do you hate it at the White House?
Why are you always at your ranch?
We can't say we're satisfied
Yeah, Georgy!
No one loves you, Dubya
Everytime we look, you're on hiatus
There's no prez that comes close to ya
Now come on Georgy, back to work, will ya?

Georgy... Georgy...
When can we expect you to appear?
Georgy... Georgy...
In three years, you'll disappear!

More song parodies by Alvin Dover
More George W. Bush song parodies from The Dubya Song Book!

Copyright © 2001 by Alvin Dover
Do you like to write political song parodies? Get some writing tips here, or e-mail your song(s) to me

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