I want to tell you all a story about Grand Old Party days
gone by,
And a time in California when energy prices went sky
When our Gov'nor asked the President for help, so honest
folks could pay,
Bush said, "Your state's of no use to me or the
Grand Old Party U.S.A."
As the months rolled by, our power plants were built and
quickly brought online.
It was reported Enron's dumpin' stock, and jugglin' 'round
their debt to buy some time.
In the final days, there was nothing left to keep the
creditors at bay.
Except a paper trail that led back to the Grand Old Party
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Well, the party chiefs were going to meet that January
And they were sure surprised when Mr. Waxman let himself into the room. As he handed out subpoenas, I still recall the words he had to say: He said, "I'd like to investigate this cabinet of the Grand Old Party U.S.A." |
"There's Paul O'Neill a-sittin' there, and six times
Enron asked him what to do.
And Mrs. Gramm was on the Enron Board, and never
even had a clue?
And Mr. Baker, were you a Secretary of State, or
just Reliant's Punk in town?
And how nice Karl could sell his shares before
the prices came all completely down."
"Well, Mr. Cheney couldn't be here; he's in his
undisclosed location once again.
And Mr. Bush now wants to put a little distance
between himself and Ken.
Then you have the nerve to tell me that to govern,
you think you all are fit.
Well, this is just a little Watergate and you're
all full of Grand Old Party sh*t."
No, I wouldn't put you on, because it really did, it happened
just this way.
The day my Senator socked it to the Grand Old Party U.S.A.
The day California rocked it to the Grand Old Party U.S.A.
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