Iraqu No Haiku
by Randall Winn
Arguing about preemptive war seems not to work very well, so I have tried instead to illustrate the four basic arguments with modest haiku:

1. Screw international law, we're strong enough to do what we want.

Today we're strongest,
But watch those Lilleputians;
Gulliver can't sleep.

2. The United Nations won't do what we want, so we should ignore it.

During spring cleaning,
Every flawed tool is tossed.
An empty box.

3. Iraq threatens the United States.

Couldn't beat Iran;
No rockets that can reach us;
Iraq frightens us.

4. The Iraqi people need to be saved from this tyrant.

Human Rights springtime:
Amnesty Internat'nal
Logo on smart bombs?

Remember the rules --- each line of the haiku must form a complete image - no fair just chopping a 17-syllable sentence into artificial lines!

Also by Randall Winn:
Ashcroft Haiku
Ballad of G. Dubya's Style
Dubya's Candid Sonnet

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