I've Just Seen A Race
(Sung to the tune of "I've Just Seen A Face" by the Beatles)
Guest song parody by skisics surus, skisics@yahoo.com

I've just seen a race,
I can't forget the time or place
Where laws were bent.
He's just a fraud for me
And want all the world to see
Tom's pet, mmm-mmm-mmm-m'mmm-mmm.

Had recounts been done today
I might have looked the other way
And I'd have never been aware.
But as it is we all despair
Tonight, di-di-di-di'n'di.

Stealing, yes, Bush was stealing,
And he keeps frauding
His way again.

I have never known
The like of this, I've been alone
And I have missed things
And kept out of sight
But other hacks were never quite
Like this, da-da-n'da-da'n'da.

Stealing, yes Bush was stealing,
And he keeps frauding
His way again.
Stealing, yes Bush was stealing,
And he keeps frauding
His way again.

I can't forget the time or place
Where laws were bent.
He's just a fraud for me
And want all the world to see
Tom's pet, mmm-mmm-mmm-m'mmm-mmm.

Stealing, yes Bush was stealing,
And he keeps frauding
His way again.
Stealing, yes Bush was stealing,
And he keeps frauding
His way again.
Stealing, yes Bush was stealing,
And he keeps frauding
His way again.

More George W. Bush song parodies from The Dubya Song Book!

Copyright © 2000 by Skisics Surus
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