This king... called Shrub... he just... can't handle it.
This king... called Shrub... he can't... expound on it
He ain't ready...
Lazy little king called Shrub.
This king (this king) called Shrub (called Shrub)
He tries (he's Bush Baby)... to be tool of the
He swings (W.)... he dives (W.).
He's taken us over, and he got his wish.
And we don't like it...
Lazy little king called Shrub.
There goes Bush Baby.
He knows how to shock; he stole
Votes just like crazy.
By right wing plot, this deceiver
Is so sleazy - ain't seen nothing yet.
He's gotta be a fool, this hack.
Let's rip - stop his attacks.
Take back his seat, let's strike.
He's on the wrong side of what voters like.
He's not ready...
Lazy little king called Shrub.
This king... called Shrub... he just... can't handle it.
This king... called Shrub... he can't... expound on it.
He's not ready...
Lazy little king called Shrub...
Lazy little king called Shrub...
Lazy little king called Shrub...
Lazy little king called Shrub...
(repeat last line and fade)