Let's Hear It For My Boys
(Sung to the tune of  "Let's Hear It For The Boy" by Deniece Williams)
Guest song parody by Alvin Dover, alvindover@hotmail.com

(As Sung By Poppy Bush:)

(instrumental intro)
My babies, go back to sleep.
Dems ain't got much to say.
Poppy loves you, loves you, loves you,
Loves Dubya and Jeb in many ways.
The public has forgetten Neil.
They don't talk about his deals.
Jeb and Dubya in the clear.
I just wanna cheer:

Let's hear it for my boys!
Oh, my boys now rule the land.
Let's hear it for my babies!
Our victory had long been planned.
Dubya's still popular.
Jeb's a cunning gov-er-nor.
Our power will grow.
Let's hear it for my boys!

(instrumental break)

Republicans have won so big.
The Dems have lost big time.
Soon Trent Lott returns to power,
While Tom Daschle toes our line.
In power are my offspring.
They've done all right by me.
What Dubya does, he does so well.
Makes me wanna yell:

Let's hear it for my boys!
Oh, my boys now rule the land.
Let's hear it for my babies!
Our victory had long been planned.
Dubya's still popular.
Jeb's a cunning gov-er-nor.
Our power will grow.
Let's hear it for my boys!

(instrumental break)

Jeb and Dubya in the clear.
I just wanna cheer:

Let's hear it for my boys!
Oh, my boys now rule the land.
Let's hear it for my babies!
Our victory had long been planned.
Dubya's still popular.
Jeb's a cunning gov-er-nor.
Our power will grow.
Let's hear it for my boys!

(repeat last verse and fade)

More song parodies by Alvin Dover
More George W. Bush song parodies from The Dubya Song Book!

Copyright © 2002 by Alvin Dover
Do you like to write political song parodies? Get some writing tips here, or e-mail your song(s) to me

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