Daddy just what is a president?
Daddy just what is a government?
Daddy will they ask me about Cocaine?
Daddy what about McCain?
Hush, now baby, baby, don’t you cry.
Daddy’s gonna hire all of his buddies for you.
Daddy’s gonna make all of the decisions for you.
Daddy’s gonna keep you in the right wing.
He’ll let you lie and not do the right thing.
Daddy will keep the reporters away.
Ooooh baby, Ooooh baby, Ooooh baby,
Of course your Daddy will show you the way.
Daddy, do you think McCain’s better than me?
Daddy, do you think anyone should really be free?
Daddy, will the reporters finally look?
Daddy, just what is a book?
Hush now baby, baby don’t you cry.
Daddy’s gonna hire all of his operatives for you.
Daddy and his buddies will sling mud for you.
Daddy will help you yet again.
Daddy will clean up where you have been.
Daddy will make you look clean.
Oooooh baby, Oooooh baby, oooooh baby,
You’ll always have me on the scene.
Daddy, where is Bob Jones?
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