Repel Bush Hell
(Sung to the tune of "Michelle" by The Beatles)

(instrumental intro)

Repel... Bush Hell
You are screwed if you're not doing well
Bush is Hell.

Repel... Bush Hell
Raped Alaska just to drill a well
An oil well.

We loathe you, we loathe you, we loathe you...
To Dubya, we say.
We don't want you to stay.
You will pay when we vote in '04.
We'll end your command.

Repel... Bush Hell
Raped Alaska just to drill a well
An oil well.

We need to, we need to, we need to
Restore democracy,
Not Bush's monarchy.
But Duh-Buh-You is hoping you won't see
Through his scheme.

We loathe you... (guitar solo)

Don't want you, don't want you, don't want you!
To Big Oil, you'll kow-tow.
Dick Cheney pulls your strings now.
You will pay when we vote in '04.
We'll end your command.

Repel... Bush Hell
You are screwed if you're not doing well
Bush is Hell.

We must trim this Shrub, don't let him grow, so
We can save our land from Bush Hell.

(instrumental ending)

More George W. Bush song parodies from the Dubya Song Book Page!
Copyright © 2001 by W. Tong

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