Republican Dummy
(Sung to the tune of "American Woman" by The Guess Who)

(electric guitar riff)

Republican dummy
G. Dubya B.
Republican dummy
Got no majority
He lost the popular vote to Gore
That was a slap in his face, so sore
He's got more important things to do
But stealing elections are nothing new
This dummy
Wants to win this way-ay
Republican Dummy
Stole Election Day-ay-ay-ay!

(electric guitar solo)

Republican Dummy
Gets away with stealing
Republican Dummy
It's just so revealing
We're just mocking Bush,
Next to Gore, he's just a pale shadow, no more
The hand counts beat vote machines
We don't need your courtroom schemes
The Far Right is hypnotized
Spouting fat Rush Limbaugh's lies
Hey, Dummy!
G. Dubya B.
Republican Dummy
No presidency

(electric guitar solo)

Republican Dummy
Won't get away
Republican Dummy
Heed what voters say
With Bush hanging on chads, Al Gore
Got extra votes when they counted more
The hand counts beat vote machines
We don't need your courtroom schemes
The Far Right is hypnotized
Spouting fat Rush Limbaugh's lies
Hey, Dummy!
G. Dubya B.
Republican Dummy
No presidency

No, he won't get away, he won't get away,
We don't believe you, Dummy
Don't believe you, Dummy
Bye-bye... bye-bye... bye-bye... bye-bye...
He's no good, you see
That no good W.
Gonna poke you right in the eye
Tell you what we're gonna do
We know they gotta leave
We know they gotta go
We know they gotta leave
We know they gotta go-o,
Nobody picked this dummy
Goodbye, Republican Dummy
Goodbye, Republican Dick

Here are alternate versions of this song parody:
Republican Congress
Republican Dubya by Skisics Surus
More George W. Bush song parodies from the Dubya Song Book Page!
Copyright © 2000 by W. Tong

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