Very Low!  Very Low!  Very Low!
(Sung to the tune of "Let It Snow" by Vaughn Monroe)

(instrumental intro)

9-11 attacks were frightful.
But the G.O.P.'s been spiteful.
Extremists like Falwell go
Very low!  Very low!  Very low!

George Dubya's reign was flopping.
Now it's buoyed by more bombs dropping.
The Right Wing is striking blows
Very low!  Very low!  Very low!

For the Right Wing, it's a delight.
Anti-terror laws make their hearts warm.
They are using this war to fight
Those who won't follow their swarm.

John Ashcroft will do more spying.
And Rumsfeld will do more buying.
Our opinion of Bush and his "ho's"?
Very low!  Very low!  Very low!

(repeat verses)

Other versions of this parody:
Let 'Em Know! Let 'Em Know!  Let 'Em Know!  by Darrell Decker
Let It Go!  Let It Go!  Let It Go!
More Anti-GOP Christmas Song Parodies
More song parodies from the Sting The Right Wing Song Book!

Copyright © 2001 by W. Tong

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