They say one thing, then do another.
Things they say just aren't so.
That includes George the Clown and his brother.
We know, believe us, we know.
'Cause the Right
Tells a thousand lies.
And a thousand lies
Means you won't see
Bush's insanity.
Just remember to expect a war time surprise,
While the Right
Tells a thousand lies.
With Bush, there's no one home; he's a phony.
There's not much that he won't dare.
His flubs keep telling us that he only
Just knows zilch 'bout foreign affairs.
'Cause the Right
Tells a thousand lies.
And a thousand lies
Means you won't see
Bush's insanity.
Just remember to expect a war time surprise,
While the Right
Tells a thousand lies.
Blank look, he's dazed; he's lookin' for Ari.
Won't take blame, wants things his way.
People find out when Shrub's really lyin'.
In time, much to his dismay.
'Cause the Right
Tells a thousand lies.
And a thousand lies
Prop up their coup.
And no matter what they do,
They could never disguise Bush's little brain size.
'Cause the Right
Tells a thousand lies.
So remember to give hell to the Right Wing's lies,
'Cause the Right... tells a thousand lies.
Copyright © 2002 by W. Tong
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